Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is the meeting of two or more people whose desire is to prayerfully listen for the movements of God’s Spirit in all areas of a person’s life. Effective Christian spiritual direction aims to help participants to cultivate an awareness of God’s transforming presence in their lives and to help a person to understand and identify the practices that link their individual lives to God.

What is Spiritual Direction? 

Spiritual direction is the ministry of listening, discernment, and prayer in a confidential and safe setting where one can explore questions in spiritual life. 

Spiritual direction offers a way to be more attentive to God’s presence and action in one’s life. It is an opportunity to facilitate
the growth of one’s relationship with God and to help live life as a follower of Christ.

Who is a Spiritual Director? 

The role of a spiritual director is to listen and help a person discern the presence and work of God’s Spirit in their lives. A spiritual director acknowledges that the Holy Spirit, the Advocate or Counselor, is the real director. Thus, the spiritual director is both a
prayerful companion and a co-listener for God’s movement and invitations in the story of the directee’s life.

What to Expect 

  • A session usually lasts for about 45 min to an hour via in-person or Zoom. 

  • Every meeting is confidential.

  • Dialogue through attentive listening and thoughtful questions.

  • A relationship of trust that involves openness and candidness.

  • Fee: $30 to $50 per session